
Crystalline Fructose (50 sachets)

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Stamp out your worries now by choosing Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose! A breakthrough product for healthy living.

Crystalline Fructose (a.k.a. fruit sugar) is a naturally occurring sweetening substance naturally found in fruits, vegetables and honey.

Crystalline Fructose has very interesting properties. It is sweeter than normal sugar, low in Glycaemic Index (GI), slow blood glucose response and slow release of insulin. This means it is suitable even for people who are diabetic. Nevertheless, moderation is the key.

What is so special about our Crystalline Fructose?

  • It is Pure and Natural
    Crystalline Fructose is a pure and natural sweetener. It gives natural sweetness without any adverse effects.
  • Tastes great
    Crystalline Fructose tastes like normal sugar without any unpleasant aftertaste. You can enjoy your favourite food with the same taste that you love.
  • Low GI (19-22): Suitable for Diabetics in moderation
    Crystalline Fructose has the lowest GI among all the natural sweeteners. A low GI value of 19-22 means glucose is released slowly and steadily helping you feel full longer and avoid snacking. It also helps diabetics keep their blood glucose levels at a healthy level.
  • Low Calories
    Crystalline Fructose is up to 80% sweeter than normal sugar. Therefore, it encourages lower consumption which translates to lower calories with the same taste.
  • Ideal for Weight Watches
    Low GI, sweeter properties and higher energy spending speak in favor of Crystalline Fructose as a valuable carbohydrate for dietary management.
  • Suitable for ALL & we mean it!
    With Crystalline Fructose, now EVERYONE can enjoy ANY beverage, foods, cakes, cookies and many more.

Crystalline Fructose is the BEST decision to a healthier YOU and your FAMILY.

Product FAQ

1. What is Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose?
Fructose is natural and the sweetest of all natural sweeteners. It is also known as fruit sugar because it can be naturally found in fruits and honey.
2. What is the difference between Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose and other natural sweeteners?


Glycaemic Index


Relative Sweetness

compared to

Sucrose = 100

Percentage of sugar


Glucose/Dextrose13,14 96 67 100% Glucose
Maltose13 105 50% Glucose + 50%


Sucrose/ Table sugar14,20 65 100 100% Sucrose

(50% Glucose + 50%


Lactose13 46 50% Glucose + 50%


Honey13 55 28%-46% Fructose +


Maple Syrup19 54 60% Sucrose

Trace Glucose + Fructose

High Fructose Corn

Syrup (HCFS-55)14,21

63 99 55% Fructose + 42%


Agave Nectar12 11 90% Fructose + 10%


Fructose4,14,19 19-23 ≈120 – 180 100% Fructose

Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose vs. other natural sweeteners

  • GI value of ≈19-23 (One of the lowest GI amongst all natural/nutritive sweeteners)
  • Up to 80% sweeter than normal sugar/sucrose
  • 100% Fructose (Minimal to no increase of blood sugar level in comparison to glucose)
3. Why should I consume Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose?
Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose is a definite healthier option for you and your family as it

has many Beneficial and Unique properties. It is:

  • GI value of ≈19-23 (One of the lowest GI amongst all natural/nutritive sweeteners)
  • Up to 80% sweeter than normal sugar/sucrose
  • 100% Fructose (Minimal to no increase of blood sugar level in comparison to glucose)
4. Can Diabetic patients consume Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose?
Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose is 100% fructose and does not contain glucose. It does not cause blood glucose to rise.

However, Crystalline Fructose is a carbohydrate sugar (1 gram = 4 calories). These calories needed to be added in the limit for total daily carbohydrate intake.

5. If I’m a Diabetic, why is Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose a safer and more convenient alternative for me?
Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose is ideal and convenient for those who have family members or friends suffering from diabetes as it can be consumed by anyone, diabetic or non-diabetic.

Food and beverage making is made easy as everyone, even children are able to enjoy and share amongst each other.

No more worries on side effects of artificial sweeteners which are commonly consumed by diabetics.

6. What is Glycaemic Index (GI)
Glycaemic Index (GI) ranks carbohydrate according to the rise of sugar/glucose level in the blood after a carbohydrate meal.

Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose has a GI value of 19-23 and is one of the lowest among all natural/nutritive sweeteners.

7. What are the benefits of Low Glycaemic Index (GI)?
*Low Glycaemic Index (GI) helps to improve glycaemic control of Diabetes and Weight management.
8. How does Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose taste?
Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose tastes just like normal sugar!
9. What are the applications of Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose?
You can add Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose just like normal sugar in your daily drinks and beverages and also baking and cooking.

Note that: Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose has a unique property where the sweetness ↑ when temperature is cold.

↑ sweetness
↓ sugar added

↓ calories Flavor Enhancement


(Ability to retain moisture)

Better texture Solubility
‘Lite’ pancake, carbonated beverages
Breakfast cereal
Yogurt, chocolate milk
Baked goods
Sports drinks
Health products
10. How much Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose should I use for foods and drinks?
For hot or warm applications: Approximately 20% reduction i.e. 10 gram (table sugar) → 8 gram Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose

For cold applications: Approximately 30% or more reduction Note that: Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose has a unique property where the sweetness ↑ when temperature is cold.

11. Comparison of sweetness between artificial sweeteners, table sugar and Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose?
Glycaemic Index (GI) ranks carbohydrate according to the rise of sugar/glucose level in the blood after a carbohydrate meal.

Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose has a GI value of 19-23 and is one of the lowest among all natural/nutritive sweeteners.

Ingredients Form Sweetness conversion chart


Crystalline Fructose

Aspartame (36mg),
Acesulfame potassiumDextrose with maltodextrin

1 Sachet (1g)

1 sachet: 2 tab

2 tsp 1-1½ tsp
Aspartame (18mg),
L-Leucine, Sodium carboxmethyl cellulose, Lactose (from milk)
1 tablet (0.085g) 1 tsp ½ – ¾ tsp
Aspartame (11mg), Acesulfame potassium, L-Leucine, Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, Lactose (from milk) 1 tablet (0.07g) 2 tsp 1-1½ tsp
Steviol Glycosides (14%), Flavourings, Croscarmellose Sodium, Silicon Dioxide, Lactose (from milk) 1 tablet (0.085g) 1 tsp ½ – ¾ tsp
Rebiana (Reb-A), Calcium Silicate, Croscarmellose Sodium L-Leucine, Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Sterate, Lactose (from milk) 1 tablet (0.07g) 1 tsp ½ – ¾ tsp
12. What is the daily recommended intake of Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose?
The recommended sugar intake according to the Malaysian dietary guideline should be ≤ 50g or 10 teaspoons daily.

1 gram of Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose = 4 calories

13. Does Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose increase triglyceride/uric acid levels/cholesterol?
There is no solid conclusive evidence that fructose increases triglyceride/uric acid levels/cholesterol.

However, the recommended sugar intake according to the Malaysian dietary guideline should be ≤ 50g or 10 teaspoon daily.

Evert A, Boucher JL (2014) Nutrition Therapy Recommendations for the Management of Adults With Diabetes. Diabetes Care 37(1): S120-S141
– Wang DD, Sievenpiper JL et al., (2014)

Effect of fructose on postprandial triglycerides: A systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled feeding trials. Atherosclerosis 232:125-133

14. Does Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose contribute to obesity?
No. Fine Foods™ Crystalline Fructose alone does not contribute to obesity.

However, we have to take these points into consideration that WILL eventually lead to obesity:
• Total daily carbohydrate intake (i.e. rice, bread, noodles)
• Excess consumption of any carbohydrate containing sweetener in drinks and beverages

Remember that Moderation is always key!

Research Papers

  1. Diabetes and Fructose Metabolism
  2. Evidence-Based Review on the Effect of Normal Dietary Consumption of Fructose on Blood Lipids and Body Weight of Overweight and Obese Individuals
  3. Fructose consumption and consequences for glycation, plasma triacylglycerol, and body weight: meta-analyses and meta-regression models of intervention studies
  4. Is There Really A Link Between Diabetes And The Ingestion Of Fructose 2013
  5. Challenging the Fructose Hypothesis; New Perspectives on Fructose Consumption and Metabolism 2013
  6. Sucrose, High Fructose Corn Syrup and Fructose, Their Metabolism and Potential Health Effects 2013
  7. Fructose and Non-Fructose Sugar Intakes in the US Population and Their Association With indicators of metabolic syndrome 2011


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